The Power of Christian Music in My Life
In my faith and journey in the Lord, what I found out very quickly is that God has continued to spiritually feed me through several different main areas.
God designed the mind to grow and flourish as its fed these right things. But if we stagnate our thoughts with things that don’t meet God’s glorious standard the mind begins to react in adverse ways.it was not designed to handle garbage.
As we meditate on the Word and act on what we learn, we receive cleansing and purifying thoughts.
God has fed me through:
- His Word
- His Direct Personal Relationship With Me
- My Personal Prayer Life With Him
- Good Christian Books
- Good Wise Counsel, Teachers of His Word
- Other Like-Minded Believers
- Good Christian Music
You Are Good – Rita Springer
Only Jesus – Casting Crowns
For this article, I want to key in on the very last one – good Christian music. Some of you have already found this secret out with the Lord, but others of you have not. I have included Christian music I listen to on my runs. I have included many of my music in this article for you to understand and enjoy yourself.
I personally like a wide range of music, with everything from Christian music to country, pop, rock, heavy metal, soul, jazz, and classical. However, there is something completely different about Christian music compared to the other kinds of music we now have available to us. And that one main difference is that a lot of the Christian music we have today is very anointed music.
Be Near Me Still – Jodi Perner
This kind of music literally has the anointing of the Holy Spirit Himself on it.
Not that God cannot anoint certain songs in other types of music when He wants to, but the anointing is much stronger on Christian music than it is on the other types of music we have today.
You Say – Lauren Diagle
The reason is obvious – Christian music is directly worshiping and talking about God Himself rather than our lives, loves, and problems in this life.
As a result of Christian music being more highly anointed by God Himself than other types of music will be, what this means for me as a Christian is that this kind of music will feed me deeper and better than any other types of music will do.
Amen – I Am They
What I have learned to do over the past 5 years is to separate my Christian music from the other kinds of music I like when I listen to them on WZXV radio in my car and Shizam to to my gmail and download them into my itunes library because it has a completely different effect on my mind and emotions than the other kinds of music will have.
As a result of Christian music being more highly anointed by God Himself, this means that this kind of music can literally change the spiritual atmosphere in the houses we live in or in the cars we are driving in when we start to play it.
Warrior – Hannah Kerr
Many of you have already found this secret early on with the Lord, but others of you have not.
For those of you who have not, let me give you some very interesting verses from the Bible to show you how powerful of a thing it can be if you can learn how to incorporate good, anointed, Christian music in your life from time to time. I have memorized verses from scripture that has allowed me to pull from memory into a challenging or surprising situation of patience and kindness. We all have those times where we can be caught off guard from things in a broken world.
The Scripture Verses On The Power of Christian Music In My Life
Never Give Up On Me – Josh Bates
For those of you who have not found this little secret in the Lord, let me give you one very interesting verse from back in the Old Trstament that will show you how playing good anointed music can completely change the spiritual atmosphere in your life at work in a long run or in your home.
And have a very uplifting effect on both your mind, emotions, and energy levels, especially if you have gone through a very rough day and you are feeling a bit down or under a lot of mental and emotional stress.
What An Awesome God – Soulfire Revolution
This verse is talking about what had occurred between King Saul and David one day. Here is the verse, and then I will point out 3 key powerful things that had occurred as a result of David playing good anointed music for King Saul.
“And so it was, whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.” (1 Samuel 16:23)
This verse in particular shows me how powerful music can be to change someone’s mood, state of mind, and energy levels. Notice three powerful key things from this verse:
Word Of God Speak – MercyMe
- As we all know from Saul’s story, he was a very tormented soul who was constantly getting himself into trouble with the Lord. However, when David would start to play music for him with his harp, this verse tells us that he then became “refreshed.”
this music was starting to refresh Saul, then this verse also tells you that he was not refreshed before David started to play this kind of music for him. This music then recharged his batteries for him. It helped to increase his energy levels.
Lucky Man – The Verve
How many of you need to be refreshed after a hard day’s work? If good anointed music from the Lord can totally refresh a tormented soul like Saul, then what can this kind of anointed music personally do for you?
- The next thing to pick up from this verse is that this kind of music from David made Saul “well.” I believe this word is referring to Saul’s state of mind. In other words, it brought him back into a good and positive state of mind which is where he should have been all along with the Lord.
Again, different types of trials and tribulations in this life can knock you out of your good and positive state of mind with the Lord. If this should ever happen to any of you – good, anointed, Christian music can help lift you out of any bad mood you may have fallen into because the anointing is so strong on some of this type of music.
I’m Still Breathing – Dig The Kid
Remember, it is the anointing of God that will break the yoke of bondage. And with a lot of the Christian music we have today being anointed by the Lord Himself, this means that He can sometimes use His own music to help break off any bondages that may be trying to get on you.
Again, if good, anointed, Christian music can help make well a tormented soul like Saul, then what can this kind of music do for you if your mind, mood, and emotions have been knocked a bit off kilter with the Lord as a result of having a rough day or going through a rough season?
- The third and final thing to pick up from this verse is the very last part of it, where it says that a distressing spirit would then depart from Saul once David started to play his anointed music for him.
Adoration- Benton Brown
Many Bible scholars believe that this distressing spirit was actually a demonic spirit that was following and harassing Saul. If it was a demonic spirit, notice what happens next. This demon could not stand to be in the presence of good anointed music and he thus had to leave Saul once David started to play it.
As I explained to you in our article titled, “Using Worship and Praise in Spiritual Warfare,” all demons hate any type of anointed Christian music, especially any type of worship and praise music.
So not only will good, anointed, Christian music refresh you, calm your emotions, recharge your energy levels, and help bring you back into a more positive state of mind, but it will also help drive away any demons who may be trying to harass you and oppress you from the outside.
Whisper – Laura Story
Leave it to our God to capture in one, simple, little verse how powerful good, anointed, Christian music can be in our lives, and how it can literally change the entire spiritual atmosphere in our lives and homes or any other environment we may be currently operating in – like our cars, our work place if they will allow this kind of music to be played, or in a hotel room if you are traveling.
So you can see how big of a thing music and singing really is to the Lord, here are 13 very powerful verses all showing us how God really likes songs and singing to be directed His way:
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” (Psalm 69:30)
“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the Lord.” (Psalm 104:33)
Hold The Light – Carey
“Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with high sounding cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:1-6)
“Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.” (Psalm 98:1)
Suffering – Satchel
“But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, the God of my mercy.” (Psalm 59:16)
“Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to the Lord with the voice of triumph! For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth … Sing praises to God, sing praises! … For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with understanding.” (Psalm 47:1,6)
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples. Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; talk of all His wondrous works. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord. Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face evermore. Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth …” (Psalm 105:1-5)
Better – Plumb
“Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness, come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” (Psalm 100:1-5)
“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods … Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” (Psalm 95:1,6)
Simple Minds – Don’t You Forget About Me
“Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; make His praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. All the earth shall worship You and sing praises to You; they shall sing praises to Your name.” (Psalm 66:1-4)
“Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods … Give to the Lord glory and strength. Give to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come into His courts. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth.” (Psalm 96:1,7)
“Let them praise His name with dance; let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp. For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation. Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud on their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth … (Psalm 149:3)
Your Love Awakens Me – Kutless
Then David danced before the Lord with all his might … “Therefore I will play music before the Lord. And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight.” (2 Samuel 6:14, 21)
As you can see from all of these different verses, music and singing is something the Lord really likes, especially when we are using it to worship and praise Him. I was always told singing his twice the prayer verses speaking it.
I know many of you have already found this secret out with the Lord, that listening to good Christian music can help bring you out of the doldrums, recharge your energy levels, lift up your spirits, calm your emotions, and help bring you back into a good, right, positive state of mind with the Lord.
Holy Spirit – Francesca Battistelli
But for those of you who have never tried this, or did not realize that good, anointed, Christian music can have this kind of dramatic and powerful effect on both you and the environment you are currently living in, you might want to give this a try sometime.
There are different types of Christian music, so you will have to find the right kinds of music that will best feed you and uplift you. But whatever kinds of Christian music the Lord will lead you to, try to incorporate this music into your personal walk with Him from time to time.
The Lion and The Lamb – Big Daddy Weave
As I said at the top of this article, once the Holy Spirit is part of your life and open in the Lord, God will start to feed you through several different areas. And one of the areas that God would really like to use to feed you is good, anointed, Christian music.it has transformed me. If you know me I am always wearing my Aftershokz Treks Air bone conductors headset and always listening the scripture music.
If this kind of music can refresh and make well a tormented soul like Saul, then it can definitely help all of us. And now more than ever, with the state of the world and the bad recessions most economies are still in, we all need a little something extra that will help keep us centered and properly balanced in our walks with the Lord.
Learning how to relax in the Lord through good, anointed, Christian music will really help take you out of yourself and all of your personal problems, and help bring you back into God’s bubble, where His peace, love, and joy can be yours on a very regular basis.
Casting Crowns – Praise You In This Storm (Live from YouTube Space New York)
Peace Be With You. May you always be open to His Word.