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Reasons to Date a Competitive Runner

Reasons to Date a Competitive Runner post thumbnail image

I’m pounding the pavement or bounding down the pathway. We runners are part of our society’s landscape, jogging to stay in shape, participate in clubs, or train for competition. There are lots of reasons I admire people who devote themselves to running regularly.

Let me add one more reason to the list—these people often times make excellent dating partners. Here’s why:

1. They care about themselves, and their own fitness. The vast majority of us prefer someone who is active, instead of a couch potato. There nutritional dietary habits are strict & healthy

2. Running is a proven method of stress relief. It’s nice to date someone who knows how to blow off steam in a healthy way.

3. Runners are goal-oriented. Even the most casual runners exert themselves for a reason.

4. Your runner-love will encourage and maybe even inspire your own exercise. Whether you already exercise regularly or want to start, your partner will be your cheerleader.

5. Runners get high the natural way. All those endorphins create a euphoric feeling—without any unpleasant side effects.

6. They are self-motivated. Whether a casual jogger or devoted marathoner, it takes a lot of get-up-and-go to, well, get up and go.

7. Running stimulates creativity. Plenty of inventors and innovators say they get their best ideas during their daily run.

8. Running provides lots of time for thinking and processing. Of course, your runner-love will probably be thinking about you.

9. These people know that progress in life is made one step at a time. That’s a helpful principle for romantic relationships.

10. For people who run, there’s no need for boredom. Whether jogging through the park or participating in fundraisers, runners won’t complain of nothing to do.

11. People who run regularly have more energy. If you want someone with pep and vitality, you’ve come to the right person.

12. These people know interesting things about your area. Since they get a street-level view, they can point out intriguing spots you might have overlooked.

13. They know how to persevere. Another quality that will benefit your romantic relationship.

14. Running increases life expectancy. When you find the love of your life, you want to be together as long as possible.

15. Runners have toned bodies—or are working towards it. This may not be the main reason you would date someone (obviously!)… but it definitely doesn’t hurt!

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