Offer Solutions

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Providing the Right Solutions For Clients’ Needs

When it comes to Cybersecurity what solutions will I offer your client?

What does Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) mean? (SIM)

Security incident and event management (SIEM) is the process of identifying, monitoring, recording and analyzing security events or incidents within a real-time IT environment. It provides a comprehensive and centralized view of the security scenario or an IT infrastructure.

Security incident and event management is also known as security information event management

How Does SIEM Work?

SIEM is implemented via software, systems, appliances, or some combination of these items. There are generally speaking six main attributes of an SIEM system:

Retention: Storing data for long periods so that decisions can be made off of more complete data sets.

Dashboards: Used to analyze (and visualize) data in an attempt to recognize patterns or target activity or data that does fit into a normal pattern.

Correlation: Sorts data into packets that are meaningful, similar and share common traits. The goal is to turn data into useful information.

Alerting: When dats is gathered or identified that trigger certain responses – such as alerts or potential security problems – SIEM tools can activate certain protocols to alert users, like notifications sent to the dashboard, an automated email or text message.

Data Aggregation: Data can be gathered from any number of sites once SIEM is introduced, including servers, networks, databases. software and email systems, The aggregator also serves as a consolidating resource before data is sent to be correlated or retained.

Compliance: Protocols in SIEM can be established that automatically collect data necessary for compliance with company, organizational or government policies.

What does Data Loss Prevention (DLP) mean?

DLP refers to the identification and monitoring of sensitive data to ensure that it’s only accessed by authorized users and that there are safeguards against data leaks. Major insider threats as well as more stringent state privacy laws triggered the adoption of DLP in 2006.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

DLP refers to the identification and monitoring of sensitive data to ensure that it’s only accessed by authorized users and that there are safeguards against data leaks.

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How Did I Arrive At The Above Questions To Ask?  I Did My Homework and Researched

Successful service professionals know that they are problem solvers for their clients. Positioning yourself as a problem solver helps your clients instantly see how working with you will make a difference in their life and/or business. It can also help your unique business stand out in the market. In order to put this strategy to work for you, you’ve got to find the right solutions to offer. When you take the time to learn your clients’ needs, you’ll dramatically increase your sales because you will offer exactly what your clients are looking for.

Creating packages and programs that appeal to your ideal client’s interests and meet their needs is easy when you follow these three steps:

1. Get clear on your clients’ current problems.

In order to offer the right solutions, you need to understand what your clients are currently going through and understand why they are looking for a service professional like you. If you’ve been working with your target market for a while, you may think you have a good handle on their problems. However, situations that may have been challenging for them in the past may not be so relevant now. So it’s always good to do market research to find your clients’ current problemsThis way you can stay up to date on what your clients need and offer better solutions.

2. Ask your prospects and clients for ideas.

One of the best ways to get a clear picture of what your clients need is to ask them! Conducting a survey of your current prospects and clients can give you valuable insight into the exact solutions that they are looking for. Keep your survey short – no more than 5 questions – and consider offering an incentive for participation. Offering an incentive can increase the likelihood that your prospects and clients will participate. Ask specific questions on the survey about what type of solutions they’d like to see. Your survey results can help you create products and services that are guaranteed to sell!

3. Keep your ear to the ground

Setting up a survey is an important part of conducting market research, but there are also other types of research that you can use to make sure that your solutions are just right for your clients. For example, you can search through forums and social networking sites where your ideal clients hang out. Watch for frequently asked questions and issues that keep coming up again and again. You’ll likely find that these are problems that your ideal prospects are facing, and are great opportunities for offering profitable, results-focused solutions.

Focusing on solving your clients problems will make you more valuable in their eyes and help you stand out among other solo service professionals. If you want to offer the right solutions, you need to understand your client’s problems, ask your clients and prospects and conduct market research. By following these steps, you’ll be able to offer the solutions that your market is looking for and increase your profits!

Have you found creative ways in which to implement these three steps? Leave a comment and share your ideas, I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Write down what you think your clients’ problems are and then compare them to your clients’ needs right now. Get clear on their current problems. They may have changed slightly since you started working with your market.
  2. Create a survey for your clients and prospects so you can find out exactly what they think of your solutions and which solutions they’d like to see you offer.
  3. Conduct market research. You can hang out in forums, search through social media and do research on your competitors to see which solutions they are offering. Look for repeated themes, frequently asked questions and other common problems.
  4. Look at your list of services and product offerings and compare them to the problems that people are having. Are you providing the solutions to those problems? Do you need to add services or can you repackage some of your services in a way that solves those problems? Get clear on how your services and products relate directly to your clients’ problems.

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