SetTheTone • Technology Ingram Micro – Dell Technologies solutions

Ingram Micro – Dell Technologies solutions

Company Overview

Ingram Micro

Ingram Micro helps businesses fully realize the promise of technology — helping them maximize the value of the technology that they make, sell or use. With its vast global infrastructure and focus on cloud, mobility, technology lifecycle, supply chain and technology solutions, Ingram Micro enables business partners to operate more efficiently and successfully in the markets they serve.

No other company delivers as broad and deep a spectrum of technology and supply chain services to businesses around the world.

Ingram Micro amplifies the value of its position at the intersection of thousands of vendor, reseller and retailer partners by customizing and delivering highly targeted applications for industry verticals, business to business customers and commercial needs. From provisioning solutions for system integrators working at the heart of the network to offerings through the full lifecycle of mobile devices, SMB to global enterprise software and computing, point of sale to cloud services, professional AV to physical security—Ingram Micro is trusted by customers to have the expertise and resources to help them define and push the boundaries of what’s possible.


Ingram Micro sells and supports the entire portfolio of Dell Technologies solutions, including its advanced cloud IT infrastructure, converged and hyperconverged systems, servers, and storage solutions. Ingram Micro has a dedicated team for all your Dell Technologies services needs including consulting, deployment, education and support services, we have the resources you need to modernize your data center, your workforce and your life. Partnering with Dell Technologies services will help you earn incremental margin and revenue, along with increasing customer satisfaction.




Solution/Service Overview

Dell solutions & services: Organizations around the world choose Dell solutions and services to help them achieve unique business goals, improve competitiveness and better serve customers.


  • Application Services
  • Your business is built on applications. Begin the journey to application transformation using the approach that works best for you
  • Big Data & Analytics
  • Turn your data into business insights – fast – by streamlining the big data collection and analysis process
  • Cloud
  • Improve your service levels, increase business agility and reduce IT simultaneously with on-demand compute capacity
  • Desktop Virtualization
  • Reduce cycle times and build long-term customer loyalty with outsourcing solutions for claims management
  • Data Center
  • Leverage future-ready technology for servers, storage, networking, systems management and software offerings
  • Internet of Things
  • Reduce the complexity, lower the risk and increase the speed of deploying IoT initiatives with Dell’s pragmatic approach and comprehensive solutions portfolio
  • Dell EMC Services
  • Drive the rapid adoption and optimization of your doer’s digital technologies and the business-critical systems supporting them
  • Mobile
  • Boost user productivity and secure data and devices without introducing excessing IT burdens
  • Rugged Solutions
  • Rain or shine, you have a job to do and you depend on your computer to keep you productive. With the industry’s most secure, most manageable rugged & nbsp products, you can focus on what matters most
  • PC as a Service (PCaaS)
  • A simple, flexible, all-encompassing solution that combines hardware, software, lifecycle services and financing into a single, predictable price per seat per month
  • Security
  • Protect your intellectual property and critical assets from endpoint to data center to cloud and achieve your most stringent compliance requirements
  • Training & Certification
  • Train your IT professionals and end users to manage, monitor, and maintain your technology solutions

More info available here:




Target Audience

IT Manager/Director, Storage Manager/Director, CIO, CTO


Call Introduction/Road Map

Hello! My name is ___________ and I’m calling on behalf of Dell EMC’s Business Partner Network. I was directed to you as the best person to speak to about your organizations data storage/analytics, network management, and infrastructure. Is this correct?


IF YES– Great! Essentially the purpose of my call is to send you information on Dell’s suite of infrastructure solutions. What is the best email address to send this information to?


IF NO– Obtain name/contact information of the correct contact.


Next action:

I’m hoping to get a better understanding of your organization’s current and future infrastructure needs.  MOVE ON TO DISCUSSION POINTS


Discussion Points

  • What does your current enterprise look like (# of sites, # of users, # of servers, # of network devices)?
  • How are you currently handling data growth? What storage solution do you have in place?
  • How would you describe your level of confidence and sense of security with your current backup and storage solution? How much data are you currently backing up?
  • In which direction, would you say that your data storage capacity needs are trending?
  • Rapidly expanding?
  • How effective is your current data storage solution in meeting your growing enterprise data storage demands?
  • Maintaining at the current level without any forecasted growth or decline?
  • Declining?
  • How have you managed your evolving storage capacity/complexity needs over the years?
  • Has it been costly and to add new hardware or new software licenses or to otherwise make structural changes to your storage model?
  • Is there any component of your current data storage system that is software based?
  • Are you managing several different storage pools today?
  • Have you looked into consolidating your disparate data pools through storage virtualization?
  • Are you actively experiencing any troubling bandwidth or latency concerns?
  • How readily can you manage your current data storage platform with a dashboard that provides you with intuitive visualization and administration capabilities?
  • Are you experiencing application performance issues?
  • If so, what applications are you having trouble with?
  • What impact would it have on your business today if the performance was great vs. just ok or good?
  • What does that difference mean to your company?
  • How costly is the downtime of your critical applications? Has anyone on your team measured the impact of downtime to revenue and operations?
  • What brand of servers are you running on? How old?
  • What operating system(s) are your servers running on?
  • When are you looking to refresh your existing servers? Do you have a brand preference?
  • How often do you test your DRP? What is your recovery time?
  • Have you looked into Cloud Computing for your business? What interested you most?
  • Are you already utilizing any cloud based solutions? If YES, Public? Private? Hybrid?
  • Have you looked into Hyper-Converged Infrastructure? Did you deploy any in your environment? Do you plan to expand the use of Hyper-Converged Infrastructure? Would you like a strategy discussion on the technologies available?
  • How old are your switches? Routers?
  • Do you have multiple locations?
  • Do you have a mobile workforce?
  • Do you have a BYOD strategy in place?
  • What areas of your network are you looking to improve?
  • What is your organization doing now to protect your most important data?
  • What are you doing now to secure your virtual environment? To secure your end points?
  • How big is your virtual environment?
  • What brand did you virtualize with (VMware/HyperV?)
  • Do you have any compliance requirements?
  • Is failing a security audit a concern of yours?
  • How frequently are you audited?
  • Do you have compliance guidelines to follow?
  • What is your current greatest security challenge?
  • How do you test for security vulnerability?
  • How frequently do you test?
  • When’s the last time you had a 3rd party do a Pentest or other test?
  • Do you have a BYOD security strategy in place?
  • Do you have a BYOD SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in place?
  • What’s your biggest concern that keeps you up at night regarding your BYOD policy?
  • Do you have any security contracts scheduled to expire in the next 12 months?
  • Have you ever looked for a vendor that can track all your contacts and help keep them up to date?
  • What conversations have you had about hosted security solutions?
  • When is the next time you will be evaluating your data security practices?
  • What other IT initiatives do you have coming up in the next 12 months?



Deeper Dive Questions (where applicable)

  • Initiative Questions
  • Tell me more about your project or plans to change?
  • What do you hope to achieve?
  • What features and benefits are important to your organization/efforts?


  • Compelling reasons to change / consequences for not changing
  • What is your main motivation for change?
  • What happens if you do not change?
  • What benefits do you expect to receive from changing?
  • What are the business drivers of this initiative?


  • key issues
  • What key issues will you look at in your evaluation process?
  • What would you like to see from a provider?


  • Budget
  • Do you have a budget in place for this initiative? If so, are you able to disclose the size of the budget?
  • If you have not established a budget, when do you expect to establish?
  • Do you have a rough estimate as to the size of the budget?
  • Do you anticipate a minimum budget threshold?
  • How much do you anticipate investing?


  • Decision making process
  • What is the decision making process and how many people are involved?
  • What is the prospect’s role in the process?
  • How will the decision be made?
  • Is there a final decision maker?




  • Timeframe
  • When will you make a decision on this initiative? When do you expect to start?



Next Action/ Offering:

Based on what we’ve talked about, I’d like to have my colleague follow up with you to further discuss your upcoming infrastructure initiatives. How does next _____ at ______ look for your calendar?

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