SetTheTone • Technology IBM STORWISE Storage Marketing Campaign

IBM STORWISE Storage Marketing Campaign

Program Call Guide Prepared For


IBM Partner Lead Pass Program.              Program Manager: Tony Crilly.                        Date: June 2011

IBM Storage-DE-3095, IBM Storage-DE-3073-Special, IBM Storage-DE-3073, IBM Storage-DE-3068, IBM Storage-DE-3064-Old Leads, IBM Storage-DE-3064

Storage area networks (SAN)

Capitalize on enterprise-wide data sharing and collaboration with intelligent SAN switches, directors and routers to connect servers and storage systems.

Tape storage

Improve data economics with tape storage solutions from the global market leader, including drives, autoloaders, libraries, virtual tape systems and IBM Spectrum Archive software, which makes tape as easy to use as disk.

IBM Cloud

The IBM Cloud has been built to help you solve problems and advance opportunities in a world flush with data. Whether it’s data you possess, data outside your firewall, or data that’s coming, the IBM Cloud helps you protect it, move it, integrate it and unlock intelligence from it — giving you what it takes to prevail in a competitive market.

Campaign Message

I am calling with an IBM Storage message. The partner will then be pitching IBM Storwize whenever possible.

The Storwize family of storage controllers shares the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software with the IBM SAN Volume Controller and offers the same functionality with few exceptions. Storwize systems are capable of external virtualization, ideally used for technology migration and investment protection for aging systems from any vendor. Storwize advanced caching, free-of-charge Easy Tier (automatic data placement) and automatic hotspot elimination help infuse a second life to previous-generation storage systems. Modern virtualization functions like inline real-time compression and inline encryption for data on external systems can help delay capacity repurchase for several years.

Target Audience

IT Manager, IT Director, CIO, CTO

Call Introduction/Road Map

Hello! My name is ___________ and I’m calling on behalf of IBM Partner Network. I was directed to you as the best person to speak to about your organizations storage environment. Is this correct?

IF YES– Great! Essentially the purpose of my call is to send you information on IBM’s storage solutions. IBM has storage solutions for all different sized environments and needs. What is the best email address to send this information to?

IF NO– Obtain name/contact information of the correct contact.

Discussion Points

  1. How are you currently handling data growth? What storage solution do you have in place?
    1. How old is this solution?
  2. At what % capacity is your current solution currently at?
  3. In which direction, would you say that your data storage capacity needs are trending?
    1. Rapidly expanding?
  1. How effective is your current data storage solution in meeting your growing enterprise data storage demands?
    1. Maintaining at the current level without any forecasted growth or decline?
    2. Declining?
  1. How have you managed your evolving storage capacity/complexity needs over the years?
    1. Has it been costly and to add new hardware or new software licenses or to otherwise make structural changes to your storage model?
  2. How often do you test your DRP? What is your recovery time?
  3. Have you looked into Cloud Computing for your business? What interested you most?
  4. Are you already utilizing any cloud based solutions? If YES, Public? Private? Hybrid?


Background Questions:

General Storage need:

  1. How old is your current storage solution? What brand?
  2. How much data are you storing, total? (TB amount)
  3. At what percent capacity is your solution currently at?
  4. Are you looking at on-premise or cloud-based solutions or both?
  5. How much data capacity are you looking for in a new solution?

Back-up need:

  1. Why are you looking to add to/change your back-up solution?
  2. What kind of solution are you looking into? (Cloud, on-premise)
  3. What brand backup solution are you using now? How old is this?
  4. How much data are you backing up? (TB amount)
  5. How much data capacity are you looking for in a new solution?

Cloud Computing need:

  1. What are you looking to move to the cloud? (back-up, all storage, servers, applications)
    • For cloud back up or storage: what type of data are planning to move to the cloud?
    • For cloud/hosted servers: How many hosted servers are you wanting on the cloud?
    • For applications: What types of applications are you considering moving to the cloud?
  2. Are you considering public, private or a hybrid version of those?
  3. How much data are you looking to move to the cloud? (TB amount)
  4. Are you currently utilizing cloud services?
    • If yes
      • Who do you use for cloud (IBM, Azure, AWS, Google, Oracle, Alibaba)?
      • Why aren’t you looking to stay with that provider?

Converged Infrastructure need:

  1. How many servers are you currently utilizing? Brand? Age?
  2. What storage solution do you currently utilize? Brand? Age?
  3. How much data are you currently backing up? (TB amount)
  4. Do you currently have any converged/hyper-converged infrastructure?


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Written by: Anthony F. Crilly Project Date: February 2023 – February 2024 The ventire capitalists and CRO at Tempo Software contracted hired me to improve their sales for acquired company