SetTheTone • Sports From Boo hoo’s to Yahoo’s

From Boo hoo’s to Yahoo’s

From Boo hoo’s to Yahoo’s post thumbnail image

I was at my giflfriend’s kids baseball game and heard another kid shout out, “here comes the roly-poly who wont even make it to first base.” How often unnecessary comments become the taunts of childhood.

As we grow older, our boo-hoos become more sophisticated as our refussals to gossip, our regular attendance at Mass, our value systems are attacked, becoming bait  for the rough teasing or cruel rejections of family and friends.
Yet Jesus makes it clear that if we follow him, we will be badgered. We are not to be surprised by harsh  judgements and misunderstandings. For how will we ever know the depths of our love and faith if neither is never tested. How can we carry the cross like Jesus did if we refuse spurning or rebuffs that are placed upon our shoulders?

Today is a good day to recommit ourselves to the power of faith and to ask the challenging question: In what ways is the Lord changing my boo-hoos into yahoos, right here, right now?

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