SetTheTone • Technology Axiad – IAM Solutions

Axiad – IAM Solutions

Project Conversation Guide

Axiad is a leader in passwordless, phishing-resistant authentication. Axiad securely authenticates all users and machines with a cloud-based flexible SaaS platform. The platform’s SaaS delivery model provides the highest levels of scalability, usability, and protection in the industry. Axiad Cloud supports the widest range of credentials in the market, including FIDO, Windows Hello for Business, YubiKeys, smart cards, mobile MFA, TPM and biometrics, and more. It also can be applied in heterogeneous IT environments—e.g., organizations operating Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems or with multiple existing IAM systems in place allowing organizations to remove gaps and inconsistencies to strengthen their security posture.


GREETING: Hi Vijay this is Tony Crilly with Axiad. How’s it going today?

IDENTITY: [Acknowledge Response]. I appreciate you taking my unexpected call here…

  • CONFIRM TITLE: I understand you’re the Head of IAM Solutions  a  and thought your team might have a hand in the authentication options for your workforce
  • Note: IF they correct the title, Apologize, I’ll update my records, by chance, are you involved in ______________?

Note: For IAM: Does workforce or certificate based authentication happen to fall under your department’s purview?

If Infosec title – by chance is your team working on identifying and preventing unauthorized access and credential compromise?

REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I was actually calling to schedule a meeting with you.  By chance, are you familiar with Axiad and have there been any internal discussions around transitioning to a passwordless environment in the near future?

Note: Can reference more specific reason for the call based off the list/Fuel Line you are currently dialing.


WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES AXIAD DO: Ok, PeerSpot just had a great blurb about us recently. We help you optimize your IAM solutions by giving you the choice of authenticators and delivering passwordless and phishing-resistant MFA across people, devices and digital interactions. 

 Like other cybersecurity organizations before them in 2022, NIST said this week that becoming phishing resistant is becoming critical.

Question: Guessing you  have one or more IAM solutions in place?


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: Excellent, so as an add on we’ll add immediate value to that stack. With our single platform you’ll have MFA, FIDO2 phishing resistant authentication, CBA authentication, PKI as a service  in one place, along with credential management that allows for self-service recovery. 





  • Eliminates the risk of account takeovers linked to phishing attacks
  • Great user experience drives user adoption and in turn the security posture of the organization
  • Deflects most helpdesk calls related to authentication, typically around 30% of all helpdesk calls 
  • Cost-effective and resource-effective, low-touch self-enrollment and management
  • Provides a centralized, cohesive authentication platform for all people, devices and operating systems
  • SOC2 and SP8000-53 compliant
  • Compliance with the latest government mandates per White House memo and NIST SP800-63 


CLOSE: Even if I’m a tad premature with this call, I was hoping to grab you for a quick conversation to share more about how we can bolt into your systems and provide you a seamless path to passwordless orchestration. Do you have 15 minutes between meetings next week?

Note: Wanted to see if we could get on your calendar for a quick overview of the technology and see how we can fit into your existing environment today. How are the next couple of weeks/month looking for a 15-20 min call?


Note: …Could we pencil in 20-minutes (1) to give you a brief overview of our technology and some updates on what we’re doing as a company and where we’re headed in the space, (2) get your feedback on our solution and your fingerprints on our product roadmap to help shape where we take this technology in the future, and, (3) at the very least, educate you as to how we could help you with future needs. Do you happen to have 15-20 minutes in the next couple weeks or so?


REJECT:  Send Me An Email  



  • SCHEDULE DATE & TIME: Great. Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you…
  • CONFIRM EMAIL: And your email is still _____@_____, correct?
  • SKIP TO DISCOVERY & QUALIFICATION QUESTIONS: Excellent. Now, to make the best use of your time and make sure we have the right resources on the call, I’d like to ask a few quick questions…



NOT RESPONSIBLE: SKIP TO REFERRAL [ Disqualified – Incorrect Contact ]



REFERRAL: Could you introduce me to [REFERRAL]? Who else do you know that could benefit from working with COMPANY?


Discovery & Qualification Questions


Top Questions

The purpose of these questions is to qualify and size up an opportunity for a Sales Representative.

Question 1: Do you have user authentication in place today?

Range of Answers:

  1. Yes (Move to Question 2)
  2. No
    1. What are the reasons?
    2. Are you planning to deploy user authentication in the future?
    3. If so, when? (Then move to Question 2)

Question 2: What do you use / plan to use authentication for?

Range of Answers:

  1. Identity and Access for all or subsets of users
  2. Device authentication
  3. User authentication in Microsoft environments with Certificate-Based Authentication
  4. Interactions such as email 

Question 3: How do you authenticate users today?

Range of Answers:

  1. Mentioning authentication methods
    1. We use Username and Password
    2. Two-factor authentication (2FA) or Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
    3. PKI and/or Smart Cards and/or USB Keys
  2. Mentioning vendors
    1. We use Duo (Cisco)
    2. RSA
    3. Yubico
    4. Okta
    5. Ping
    6. ForgeRock,
    7. Windows Hello For Business (Microsoft)
    8. Others (SecureAuth, HYPR, Trusona, 1Kosmos, etc.)


Secondary Questions

Time permitting, the purpose of these questions is to add additional detail to the call summary, better prepare the Executive, and further understand the Prospect’s environment.


Lead Nurturing Questions

The purpose of these questions is to gather market intelligence for future lead nurturing campaigns.





Not Interested

“I’m not interested…”

Confirm: I totally understand, I’m not sure I’d be interested in learning more about a technology I was unaware of 30 seconds ago.. 


Rebuttal: Oddly enough, neither was VISA, USAA and Boeing when I first reached out. However, what prompted them to take a call with us was  their interest in learning if they could leverage their current infrastructure and mature into passwordless orchestration without significant displacement or complexity. Obviously, there were some systems in place that couldn’t ripped out. 


Trial Close: Would you be opposed to just having a conversation around how you could take the solutions you have in place today and modernize them with virtually any type of phishing resistant authentication?


Send Me an Email

“Send me an email…”

Confirm: Absolutely, I’d be happy to send over that information….is your email still “x”


Rebuttal: Great, I’ll send this over in just a sec. How about we also set up a tentative placeholder for next week? If what I send piques your interest, you’ll probably have a few questions for us and we’ll already have that time set aside. If not, click decline and the call will disappear from your calendar. 


Customer Reference: 


Trial Close: Would next Thursday after lunch work okay?


No Budget

“We don’t have the budget…”

Confirm: Completely understand- budgets are tight across all of our customers…especially after this past year..


Rebuttal: I still think having an initial discussion would be of value because as our budgets get tighter, bad actors will continue to have unlimited resources to deploy their ransomware and phishing based attacks that evaded traditional authentication methods and were the cause of some very costly data breaches last year. (note..average cost of data breach last year was $4.35M)


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Obviously,  the assumption here is you’d be coming to learn a little bit more about us, not to buy..would you be opposed to having a  brief introduction with us next week, say Thursday?


No Budget

“We don’t have the budget…”

Confirm: Completely understand- budgets are tight across all of our customers…especially as we head into this recession


Rebuttal: With


Customer References: 


Trial Close: This would be a high level introduction and at the end we could see if it makes sense to follow up with you around your next budgeting cycle. How does next week look?

No Time

“Too busy to look at this right now, just don’t have the time…”

Confirm: We hear that more and more this time of year…


Rebuttal: In fact, some of our current customers had scheduling issues as well, but when they gave us 15-min of their time they quickly realized the value and now depend on Axiad…


Customer References: [ strategic customer use case ]


Trial Close: We’ve been seeing a very high demand and our schedules are getting booked out pretty far in advance. Trying to prioritize our schedules, can we pencil in a tentative placeholder in the beginning of [MONTH] to avoid the hit or miss game?


No Need

“We don’t need it…”

Confirm: We’ve heard that before…


Rebuttal: In fact, some of our current customers thought they had everything under control and were relying on two-step authentication but when they met with us they immediately saw the value…. They were able to see value in the deeper dive of passwordless authentication…


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Can we pencil in 15-min on your calendar in the next couple weeks to go a bit more in depth?


Native Solution

“We already have the Native Solution…”

Confirm: Fair enough; do you mind sharing who that vendor is?…


Rebuttal: We would never ask you to spend money unless we’re creating value – our current customers felt the same way, but when they allowed us to give a proper overview they immediately saw the value and realized they could compliment their current environment with a self-funded project…  ________________________________


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Can we pencil in 15-min on your calendar in the next couple weeks to discuss?


No Authority

“I really don’t have the authority to make any decisions, so we’ll need to have someone else on the line. Send me an email and I’ll forward it over to see if there’s any interest…”

Confirm: Absolutely, I’d be happy to send over that information.


Rebuttal: It may be beneficial to schedule some time with you, we all know internal champions are invaluable. Maybe after we show you the value you’d be open to passing along the information up the chain…


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Can we pencil in 15-min on your calendar in the next couple weeks to show you what’s possible with Axiad?


Not a Decision Maker

“I need to run this past my boss…”

Confirm: We welcome an opportunity to have that conversation together… 


Rebuttal: The most productive conversations come when both parties can quickly decide whether this is going to be a good opportunity for either one of us. So, the earlier we can have the most influential decision makers involved in the process, the better for everyone- we don’t waste anyone’s time. We don’t waste your resources, talk to people that can’t make decisions and distract them with new ideas, and we can get to a decision faster- can we improve what you’re doing today, or not?


If you’re not comfortable inviting that person, we’re happy to speak with you, first, and have you decide if this is something that requires more people’s attention.


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Do you have 15-20 minutes in the next couple weeks to discuss?


RFP Only

“We only work through RFPs…”

Confirm: Great to hear… 


Rebuttal: In fact we often work with clients through an RFP process and what our customers told us they appreciated the opportunity to have us involved early on because we helped define the requirements for the solution because of our knowledge and experience with all of the possible options. They actually welcomed our influence and input early on because it helped them formulate and define what their requirements truly were...


Customer References: Combine ____________________, we feel we are in a unique space to assist you through the RFP process.


Trial Close: Do you happen to have 15-min on your calendar in the next couple weeks to share some success stories and see if we can improve what you’re doing today?


Information Source

“Where did you get my information?”

Confirm: It’s actually one of two ways: you, or someone in your organization, interacted with some of our marketing programs, and we found peers we thought were important to speak to and involve them in our marketing and sales efforts.



Customer References: 

Trial Close: 


Too Expensive

“You’re too expensive and product X is cheaper…”

Confirm: Axiad is not always the least expensive product out there on the market 


Rebuttal: In fact our customers made sure to mention there were cheaper options out there, but they understood how/why we were different and how we added more value. We may not be the best fit for every single use case, but we cover the majority of them in comparison to the other options out there.


Customer References: 


Trial Close: So before you make a decision it’d be great to give you an opportunity to learn more about us, do you happen to have 15-20 minutes in the next couple weeks?


Contractual Agreement

“We’re already in another contract…”

Confirm: Most of our early relationships start when customers are in current agreements with vendors…


Rebuttal: Sometimes the evaluation process and decision making process can require multiple people and become an elongated committee-like process, so the earlier we can have these discussions, the earlier we can begin the evaluation process and help you make the best decision for your company at the time of the renewal with the incumbent solution… Axiad can ______________.


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Can we pencil in 15-20 minutes in the next couple weeks to see if we can improve or augment what you’re doing today?


Missing Feature

“You don’t offer X feature…”

Confirm: Sometimes people think that feature is really important to them… 


Rebuttal: But what they find out after better evaluation is that feature is actually not even necessary or sometimes not as important as they thought it might have been. 


Because there are other features that we offer that are more advantageous, what you thought was a requirement may not be absolutely necessary. There are always tradeoffs in the world, not everything is perfect, it just needs to be better than what you have today and in some instances when you see the benefits of the other capabilities you make the right tradeoff.


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you?


Bad Review

“No thanks, you have a bad review…”

Confirm: Reviews are hard to gauge a company by… 


Rebuttal: I recently had a great experience with a company that had a really bad review. Not everyone gives a review, sometimes companies can have better reviews than you might think, it’s just the people that, for whatever reason, may have had a bad experience on their part post the review because they are more passionate about it, where the people that had a great experience are passionate, but not so much so where they post a review. So, it’s tough to really gauge a company’s capabilities by just reviews. 


Your peers did rigorous evaluations and we feel their experiences have been very different. We may have bad reviews, but we can introduce you to peers that think/speak very highly of us and perhaps even more highly than your incumbent solution. We know definitively that we have customers that had your current solution and migrated to ours…


Customer References: 


Trial Close: I know I caught you unexpectedly here today, can we pencil in 15-minutes on your calendar to collect your feedback, get your fingerprints on our product roadmap, and see if we can improve what you’re doing today?


Not Allowed to Disclose

“I’m not allowed to disclose that information…”

Confirm: We don’t want you to disclose any information that you’re not comfortable with… 


Rebuttal: In fact, we can make it so much so where we’re the ones disclosing all the information and you’re just asking questions. We can get what’s important to you by the questions you ask so we’ll volunteer everything about the company to see if we can improve what you’re doing today. Happy to do all the talking…


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you?


Sales Call

“Is this a Sales call?”

Marketing List

Confirm: We saw you responded to one of our marketing programs and were following up to see what’s driving the interest…


Rebuttal: I am looking to schedule 15 minutes for a proper overview of the technology and show you how ______________________.


Customer References: 

Trial Close:


ICP/Outbound List

Lower Level (Manager/Director)

Confirm: We were about ready to engage with your leadership team and we thought it would be important to get you up to speed on what we’re doing and why we’re important as you may be a part of the evaluation process…


Customer References: 

Trial Close:

Senior Level (VP/EVP/C-Level)

Confirm: We noticed that you hadn’t had a conversation with our company and we wanted to see if there would be an opportunity to have you evaluate us in comparison to your current approach to see if we can improve what you’re doing today…


Customer References: 

Trial Close:


Not Interested

The Confrontational Prospect

Confirm: Totally understand. I wouldn’t be interested after that 30-second claim either…


Rebuttal: But in my experience there is an individual at every company with a duty to the organization to maintain awareness of emerging technologies and the benefits and differentiations. If you are not that person, who should I be speaking to?


Customer References: 


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you?



Competitors and Complimentary 

“We’re using Microsoft for everything…”

[Complimentary Partner] Confirm: Great to hear you are a Microsoft shop …


Rebuttal: Axiad is a Microsoft partner on authentication for Azure AD and hybried environments. 


Customer References: Microsoft values Axiad’s abilities to consolidate Microsoft authentication across on-premises and Azure while leveraging Windows Hello For Business and Azure AD CBA. .


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you? We’d love to schedule some time for a more in depth discussion around how we partner with Microsoft.


“We’re using Okta…”

[Complimentary IAM vendors] Confirm: Great to hear you’re using Okta (Or Ping, Sailpoint, … )…


Rebuttal: However, our customers mentioned that Axiad helps you get more from your current IAM investment through more secure, more user-friendly authentication….


Customer References: With Axiad our customers now enjoy improved security, reduced end user friction, and more efficient IT operations. 


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you? We’d love to schedule some time for a more in depth discussion around some customer success stories.


“We’re using AuthO…”

[Competitive Authentication] Confirm: Great to hear you’re using AuthO, [Or other Authentication competitors]…


Rebuttal: However, our customers mentioned that having one platform that reduces work for IT and minimizes friction for end users has been a gamechanger. .


Customer References: With Axiad those former [Authentication company} customers now enjoy higher levels of passwordless and phishing-resistant MFA while saving time and bother. .


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you? We’d love to schedule some time for a more in depth discussion around some customer success stories.


“We’re using CyberArk…”

Confirm: Great to hear you’re using CyberArk…


Rebuttal: However, our customers mentioned that Axiad helps you get more from your current PAM investment through more secure, more user-friendly authentication


Customer References: With Axiad our customers now enjoy improved security, reduced end user friction, and more efficient IT operations.


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you? We’d love to schedule some time for a more in depth discussion around some customer success stories.




“We’re using TBD…”

[Anyone that is Identity-related but not listed above]Confirm: Great to hear you’re using TBD…


Rebuttal: However, our customers mentioned that we are unique in providing organization-wide passwordless orchestration where a single platform handles all use cases across the entire environment. .


Customer References: With Axiad customers now enjoy the best of improved security AND less overhead from end users and IT. 


Trial Close: Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you? We’d love to schedule some time for a more in depth discussion around some customer success stories.


Customer References, Use Cases, & Value Propositions


Customer References


List of referenceable customers (spoken word only), organized by vertical.

VISA, Fiserv, USAA, Garmin, Blue Cross, Blue Shield – CA, Humana, Blue Cross BlueShield – AR, Boeing, Raytheon, SAIC, Carmax


Use Cases

Case Study

General from Checklist


  • Most existing solutions rely on static or one-time passwords, which do not prevent phishing attacks
  • Cumbersome or poor user experience, sometimes requiring users to read and type passwords
  • High-touch IT involvement in user/device enrolment and ongoing management
  • Cost and burden of helpdesk requests related to the existing authentication solution
  • When multiple authentication solutions are in place, this is leading to higher complexity and cost



  • Axiad Cloud eliminates the use of passwords and renders phishing attacks ineffective
  • Axiad Cloud removes passwords to make for a seamless user authentication experience
  • Axiad Cloud self-issuance/self-service helpdesk portal allow for user driven issuance and management
  • Axiad Cloud features like MyCircle empower users to troubleshoot most issues by themselves
  • Axiad Cloud operates as a single pane of glass to orchestrate authentication across the enterprise


Business Result(s):

  • Eliminates the risk of account takeovers linked to phishing attacks
  • Great user experience drives user adoption and in turn the security posture of the organization
  • Removes most helpdesk calls related to authentication, typically around 30% of all helpdesk calls 
  • Cost-effective and resource-effective, low-touch self-enrollment and management
  • Provides a centralized, cohesive authentication platform for all people, devices and operating systems


Value Propositions

See Value Proposition Examples.


Reason for the Call




REASON FOR CALL: Axiad provides …




I know I caught you unexpectedly, would love to show you how our customers like ________ are utilizing our technology to address these challenges in a bit more detail, what is your availability looking like this week, or next?


Contact Us

REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I was following up to your Contact Us request and wanted to schedule some time for you with our product and technical experts to address any questions you may have. 

What is your availability looking like this week, or next?



REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I was actually following up, looks like you, or someone at your company, may have been pinging our website/downloaded the [CONTENT NAME] from our website, I wanted to touch base and see what may have been driving the interest and schedule a quick 15-minute meeting to address any questions you may have. 

Do you have some initiatives around [CONTENT]? 

What is your availability looking like the next couple weeks/month or so?  



REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I was actually following up, looks like you may have registered for our [TITLE] Webinar. I wanted to touch base to see what may have been driving the interest and schedule a quick 15-minute meeting to address any questions you may have, and give you a more in depth overview of the technology, specifically how we could potentially fit into your existing environment.

What is your availability looking like the next couple weeks/month or so?  



(Trade Show/Field Event)

REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I was actually following up, looks like you may have registered, attended, maybe stopped by our booth at [EVENT NAME], wanted to see if we could pencil in a quick 15-min for a bit more in depth overview of the technology/company, get some of your feedback, and see if we could a potential fit in your environment…

What is your availability looking like the next couple weeks/month or so?  


Email Campaign

REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I was following up, wanted to see if we could get 15-minutes on your calendar for quick meeting.

By chance, are you familiar with COMPANY?


[Treat as Cold if No Evidence of Multi-clicks] If they ask you to send them an email, mention you did and find out if they received them then leverage that to book a meeting. “I already sent you some info before, I know you have to read through them first, but I’ll send you a calendar invite for a few weeks out so we can chat further on this with our technical team.” If they object, just follow up. If they do not object, meeting scheduled.


Paid Advertising

REASON FOR CALL: We saw someone responded to one of our marketing programs and thought you’d be appropriate person to speak with to see what’s driving the interest…

By chance, are you familiar with COMPANY?

[Treat as Cold] “Someone from your company has visited our website” may take the conversation sideways. If you find yourself answering more questions around visiting the website and struggle to move forward in the conversation, just treat it like a cold call.


Content Syndication

REASON FOR CALL: We saw someone responded to one of our marketing programs and thought you’d be the appropriate person to speak with to see what’s driving the interest…

By chance, are you familiar with COMPANY?


[Treat as Cold] “Someone responded to one of our marketing programs” may take the conversation sideways. If you find yourself answering more questions around visiting the website and struggle to move forward in the conversation, just treat like a cold call.


Closed Lost

REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I saw we’ve been engaged with you in the past and I wanted to reach back out to see if we could get 15-20-minutes on your calendar to get you some company/product/product roadmap updates as a lot has changed since we last spoke.

What is your availability looking like the next couple weeks/month or so? 


Note: Knowledge of what they assessed before helps a lot, but in some instances the prospects won’t have knowledge of the previous engagement, if that is the case, focus on what’s new and exciting items on the product roadmap for 2020. “I wanted to schedule a time to chat. We’ve had a lot of advancements in the Subject Matter and are the best Subject Matter solution for Applicable use cases. I know there’s more on the roadmap I cannot discuss, but would you be opposed to an update call?”


Campaign-Specific Messaging

See Campaign-Specific Examples.


GREETING: Hi PROSPECT this is YOUR NAME with Axiad. How’s it going today?


IDENTITY: [Acknowledge Response]. I apologize for the unexpected call…

  • CONFIRM TITLE: I understand you’re the [TITLE] at [COMPANY] and thought you’d be the most appropriate person to speak with at [COMPANY]…
  • Note: IF they correct the title, Apologize, I’ll update my records, by chance, are you involved in ______________?
  • Note: Would identifying credential compromise or unauthorized access happen to fall within your purview?


REASON FOR CALL: Perfect. I was actually calling to schedule a meeting with you.  By chance, are you familiar with Axiad?

Note: Can reference more specific reason for the call based off the list/Fuel Line you are currently dialing.


WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES AXIAD DO: Axiad eliminates unauthroized access and ransomware by delivering enterprise-wide passwordless orchestration across people, devices and digital interactions. 

Question: Just curious, do you currently use email and passwords to authenticate your workforce and have you introduced MFA?


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: Our platform offers FIDO, mobile and passwordless MFA, phishing-resistant authentication, Yubikeys, certificate-based authentication, and pki as a service under one interface to help you prevent unauthorized access, ransomware attacks and account take over. Additionally, we offer airtight segmentation where credentials aren’t commingled and fit in seamlessly with your Identity and Access Management ecosystem

Note: Unified versus fragmented to workforce authentication






  • Eliminates the risk of account takeovers linked to phishing attacks
  • Great user experience drives user adoption and in turn the security posture of the organization
  • Deflects most helpdesk calls related to authentication, typically around 30% of all helpdesk calls 
  • Cost-effective and resource-effective, low-touch self-enrollment and management
  • Provides a centralized, cohesive authentication platform for all people, devices and operating systems
  • SOC2 and SP8000-53 compliant
  • Compliance with the latest government mandates per White House memo and NIST SP800-63 


CLOSE: I know I caught you unexpectedly. Could we pencil in a 20-minute call to see if we can improve what you’re doing today?






WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES AXIAD DO: We’re working with customers that are struggling to move to a completely passworldess environment for their workforce due to complexity and legacy systems. 


We help you optimize your IAM solutions by giving you the choice of authenticators and delivering passwordless and phishing-resistant MFA across people, devices and digital interactions. We were just listed as the #1 provider of passwordless authentication solutions by PeerSpot. 

Question: Guessing have one or more IAM solutions place?


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: Our platform can bolt into your existing IAM ecosystem ensure orchestrat


Instead of taking a fragmented approach, we have one platform that enables you to have MFA, FIDO2 phishing resistant authentication, CBA authentication, PKI as a service  in one place, along with credential management that allows for self-service recovery. As an add on, it adds immediate value to your IAM solutions and Microsoft stack.


WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES AXIAD DO: Axiad delivers enterprise-wide passwordless orchestration to secure not just people, but devices and digital interactions as well.  

Question: Just curious, do you currently use email and passwords to authenticate your workforce and have you introduced MFA?


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: Our platform offers FIDO2, phishing-resistant authentication, mobile and passwordless MFA, Yubikeys, certificate-based authentication, and PKI as a service under one interface to help you prevent unauthorized access, ransomware attacks and account take over. Additionally, we offer airtight segmentation where credentials aren’t commingled and fit in seamlessly with your Identity and Access Management ecosystem

Note: Unified versus fragmented to workforce authentication




WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES AXIAD DO: We’re shifting the paradigm when it comes to workforce authentication. Many approaches are done in silos across multiple authentication methods, identity types, use cases, and existing IAM systems,


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: We help organizations systematically authenticate

across all people, devices, and operating systems, regardless of underlying IT complexity. This

integrated approach helps organizations become more phishing resistant, prevent ransomware

attacks/account takeovers, and take a critical step forward to implementing a Zero Trust.

Note: Additionally, we offer airtight segmentation where credentials aren’t commingled, are SCO2, SP8000-53 compliant and fit in seamlessly with your IAM ecosystem


WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES AXIAD DO: Axiad delivers enterprise-wide passwordless orchestration to secure people, devices and operating systems. 


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: Our platform offers MFA, phishing-resistant authentication, advanced public key infrastructure and passwordless orchestration to help organizations prevent ransomware attacks and account take over. Additionally, we offer airtight segmentation where credentials aren’t commingled, are SCO2, SP8000-53 compliant and fit in seamlessly with your IAM ecosystem


WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES AXIAD DO: today’s approach to workforce authentication connects people and machines to data and applications in a fragmented way


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: At axiad we secure users and machines to data and applications in an integrated fashion, leveraging low friction, highly secure passwordless orchestration. We offer airtight segmentation where credentials aren’t commingled, are SCO2, SP8000-53 compliant and fit in with your IAM ecosystem


Introduction with Annotations



Hi PROSPECT this is YOUR NAME with COMPANY. How’s it going today?


Informal Logic: Stating the prospect’s name draws them to question how you know their name. Was is it a referral from upper management / their boss? Did someone they know refer you to them?


This is an opportunity to be personable and mirror the tone of the prospect. It helps to ask how the day is going to (1) hear the tone (understand if they’re in a hurry or anxious to speed up your conversation to accommodate OR if they’re laid back take a more relaxed approach), (2) get them talking and (3) build a strong follow-up task to reference understand them as a person.



[Acknowledge Response]. I apologize for the unexpected call…



Informal Logic: “Apologize”; No sales rep does this, this is your first differentiator- make the statement.


I understand you’re the [TITLE], is that correct?


Informal Logic: This statement adds to the question above, how do they know my name AND title? Do they know my boss? 







Reason for the Call

Great. I was actually calling to schedule a meeting with you.  By chance, are you familiar with COMPANY?


“I was calling to schedule a meeting with you, because I thought you would be the most appropriate person to speak to about…”


Can reference more specific reason for the call. “I apologize for the unexpected call,:

– …I saw you may have registered / attended the [Tradeshow name]…”

– …I saw you may have downloaded [Whitepaper name]…

The interest is based off the list you are currently dialing.


Who We Are




Informal Logic: Why should I change what I’m doing today?


10-Second Claim


Informal Logic: Why they chose us out of all the other options?


30-Second Claim



I know I caught you unexpectedly. Could we pencil in a 20-minute call to see if we can improve what you’re doing today?



Informal Logic: Why meet with us now?


Informal Logic: “Pencil In” – The phrase “pencil in” is used to play to the fact that prospects subconsciously do not want to be locked into a meeting, but prefer to have the option to attend and control their calendars.


Informal Logic: Reason for the Meeting –  

(a) “Collect your feedback” – treat them as the expert in the industry and you’d like the opportunity to hear their feedback

(b) “Get your fingerprints on our product roadmap” – get their opinion to help shape the roadmap of the product and company

(c) “See if we can improve what you’re doing today” – opportunity for improvement?

(d) “Market intelligence / awareness” – see what your peers are doing and review some case studies & use cases




 “Great. Do you happen to have your calendar in front of you…”

 “Great. What’s your calendar looking like in the next week or two…”




“Excellent. Now, to make the best use of your time and make sure we have the right resources are on the call, I’d like to ask a few quick questions…” 




Informal Logic: We chose this phrase to show we value the prospect’s, as well as our own, time and resources. We want to bring the proper resources from our end to the call to ensure we do not waste the prospect’s time. To accomplish this we ask a few, quick discovery questions.



NOT RESPONSIBLE: SKIP TO REFERRAL – Disqualified – Incorrect Contact





Could you introduce me to REFERRAL? Who else do you know that could benefit from working with COMPANY?


Note: Acknowledge they are not responsible, thank them for their time, and politely ask for the contact information of the person they believe is responsible. Remember, the technology is a breakthrough in the industry, IT Dept’s have to do more with less resources, & companies must due their due diligence and don’t want to “fall behind the eight ball.” (**”Clone Lead” in Salesforce if necessary) 


Value Proposition Examples

It’s a very effective exercise to have the sales team provide 5 accounts and synthesize down the value Company provides, into a single “golden nugget one-liner” that we can drop in discussions.

Company &/or Industry

Anthem – Health Insurance

One-liner: Company powers the Medical Enrollment for all of Anthem global customers.

Use Case: They use our platform to run 2000 Services 2000 in production running 4000 containers. Non Prod represents another 3000 Services on 5500-6000 containers. The type of services focused on customer enrollment of medical services and plans which includes a website for customers to enroll, Anthem agents to that work remote supporting both internal and external services.


TransUnion – Consumer Credit Reporting

One-liner: Company powers TransUnions Credit Reporting capabilities for 500 Million Global Consumers.

Use Case: Company supports TransUnion Consumer Interactive Group, a global leader in credit and information management, which maintains credit histories on an estimated 500 million consumers across the globe. Company today represents their largest Kubernetes datacenter for managing containers..


Campaign-Specific Examples



Online gaming operators are using our Intelligent KYC to safely achieve significant growth in their customer bases with auto-approval rates up to 90%. We unlock speed and scale in customer acquisitions by automatically capturing a higher percentage of new players online across a broad range of demographics at scale, including ​recently of age​ players and “new to country.”


KYC and DocV are part of the comprehensive COMPANY ID+ identity verification platform which includes Global Watchlist with Monitoring for compliance, and our flagship Sigma Fraud Suite. The platform uses numerous data sources, including proprietary data with over 350 million good identities, as well as over 7 billion records from credit, utility, telecom, and other authoritative sources to deliver market-leading matching accuracy.


Conversation Guide

WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES COMPANY DO: COMPANY is the leading digital-first identity verification solution in the U.S. Our Intelligent KYC is trusted by top brands to accurately identify qualified new players and flag potentially ineligible applicants for further review. 


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: Our platform passively verifies the identities of qualified players online quickly and accurately to safely increase new player conversions and reduce drop-off rates. 

Note: If an applicant fails the initial passive verification, they can be stepped up to DocV, an automated, fool-proof document verification process that guides the prospect through capturing a government-issued ID using their mobile device.




BENEFITS CLAIM | HOW DO OUR CUSTOMERS BENEFIT: Online gaming operators are achieving significant revenue growth by auto-accepting a higher percentage of new players across a broad range of demographics at scale, including ​recently of age players and new-to-country.

  • Proven auto-acceptance rates up to 90% drive player growth
  • Exact date of birth and address matching to meet compliance requirements
  • Outperforms leading competitors in the 21- to 34-year old demographic


Webinar Title


Last week (3/30/2020) we held a webinar, “Webinar Title.” 


This is part of our pandemic-era marketing, which focus on the following topics: 

  • Preparing for an increase in fraud patterns resulting from COVID-19 scams and financial fallout
  • Preparing banks and fintechs to engage in stimulus plan support, including handling newly disbursed checks and small business lending with identity verification and fraud prevention in mind


Next steps with this list: 

  • We will send those who attended a thank you letter with a link to a fraud survey we are launching. We will also include stats from our live polls launched in the webinar
  • For those who didn’t come, we will send a “sorry we missed you” along with a link to the recording of the webinar and the survey link


Conversation Guide

WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES TPG DO: TPG  provides a data science-based approach to digital identity verification and identity fraud risk to solve for synthetic identity fraud.


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: Our platform is currently in production with some of the largest banks, fintechs like X, Y and Z, as well as a number of the largest Xers, Yers, and Zs helping them:

(1) Proactively identify fraudulent synthetic identity behavior to avoid bust-out.

(2) Integrate and assess the massive (and disparate) data sources necessary to detect synthetic identity. 


Our average customer sees a 10x return…





Specific Talking Points

  • COMPANY has been monitoring fraud patterns among our customer community due to recent events. 
  • We’ve seen a consistent increase in attempted frauds in new credit card account enrollment and early signs of an increase in lending at enrollment.
  • We expect these patterns to continue for two key reasons:
    • In past times of financial crisis, we saw a significant rise in identity and new account fraud – this will be a repeated pattern.
    • As banks and fintechs disburse stimulus funds, we expect to see fraudsters working diligently to steal checks and establish new accounts to deposit and gain access to cash. We also expect to see them gaming the system to gain access to lending.
  • It is crucial that both fintechs and traditional financial institutions prepare themselves with an identity verification and identity fraud strategy which enables banks and fintechs to support consumers in digital banking without putting themselves at risk.


CLOSE: I know I caught you unexpectedly. Could we pencil in a 20-minute call to give you a proper overview of the technology and show you how Chief Risk Officers have incorporated us as part of their strategy as they navigate through these challenging times?


Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Identity Fraud


On March 26, the federal government approved a $2 trillion COVID-19 era stimulus plan, which designates $350b+ to small business lending through the Payroll Protection Program (PPP). The program provides businesses with up to $10m – or 2.5 times their monthly payroll – and these loans can be forgiven if these organizations maintain their headcount. 


Banks began administering these loans Friday, April 3. Some big banks saw 200K+ applications in the first 48 hours of launch. They’re already seeing fraud, and they don’t have appropriate identity verification, fraud and KYC controls in place.


Here’s a wider range of problems banks are facing:

  • Many don’t have digital channel lending platforms, but these loans must be administered remotely
  • Those that do have digital platforms don’t have technology prepared to handle this level of volume
  • Many banks went live without fraud controls in place – and they’re already seeing fraud problems (in some cases fraud teams were not contacted by lending teams that the program was going live)
  • Banks need to run KYB and/or KYC on these applications/accounts
  • Some banks don’t have the cashflow to back up these loans, so the Fed had to step in


Who qualifies to administer PPP loans?

Any traditional bank qualified as a Small Business Administration 7(a) lender. Here’s the list that has been published by the SBA.


As of April 8, it was announced that fintechs could apply to administer these loans as well. Here is an initial list of fintechs: 



Personas to Target:

  • Lending teams 
  • Fraud teams
  • Digital Channel/Authentication/Identity



  • Lending 
  • Fraud 
  • Digital Channel


Conversation Guide

REASON FOR CALL: As our community goes live in administering PPP loans, we know there are a range of challenges in identity verification and fraud prevention. We’d like to speak to you about addressing these issues as easily and quickly as possible considering the time pressure for banks and fintechs to administer these loans.


WHO WE ARE | WHAT DOES COMPANY DO: TPG provides a data science-based approach to digital identity verification and identity fraud risk to solve for synthetic identity fraud.


10-SECOND CLAIM | HOW WE DO IT: TPG provides real-time identity verification and fraud detection at enrollment. These controls are coupled with intelligent KYC and document verification, which together can be leveraged at enrollment for PPP.  Leveraging a single API, these solutions can be launched in a day, preparing your organization immediately to administer PPP loans.





Specific Talking Points

  • TPG has been working all week with the biggest banks and fintechs to ready them for PPP lending. 
  • We have provided real-time identity verification and fraud at the point of enrollment to protect banks as they cope with a vast volume of applications
  • Relying on a single API callout, we can answer your identity verification and fraud needs in a single day 
  • It’s important to move on this now – the government is preparing to release another $250b this coming week. PPP is likely to strain your organization for another two months at the very least.

CLOSE: I know I caught you unexpectedly. Could we pencil in a 20-minute call to give you a proper overview of the technology and show you how SBA Lenders have incorporated us as part of their strategy as they navigate through these challenging times?



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